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Creation and Criticism

ISSN: 2455-9687  

(A Quarterly International Peer-reviewed Refereed e-Journal

Devoted to English Language and Literature)

Vol. 01, Issue 03 : Oct 2016

Haikus of Jack Maze

Jack Maze was born in San Jose and raised in Hollister, California.  He is a Professor Emeritus of Botany at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.  He has self-published two books of his poems- History, Personal and Poetic and An Alaska Summer on Aniakchak Bay, three books of photographs- More Than Meets the Eye, Stewards of the Sand and Landforms, Light and Life and some poems published with Dan Brooks. He can be contacted at


Old Towboat


low revolutions

hundred-fifty horsepower—

mill bound raft of logs.


Urban Street


fire hydrant

few large dandelions—

smell of exhaust.




lawns and sidewalks

densely clothed in maple fruits—

sound of rakes and brooms.


Weather Front


beech leaves and fruits

run before the wind—

rain clouds gather.


Sidewalk Decoration


ground almost to dust

bark shed from a sycamore—

neighborhood sidewalk.


Future’s Way


rolling down the street

a green acorn I just kicked—

path is almost true.


Urban Style


sidewalk clothes rack

woman seeking new fashions—

blaring horn.


Early Morning


it’s very quiet

faint hum of fans and voices—

lights just came on.




deciduous tree

comprised of many trunks—

single root system.




drops on clover leaves

sparkle in the summer sun—

unkempt urban lawn.



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