Creation and Criticism (CC) also invites latest reviews from the authors for tagging under the tab Reviews to provide the wider readership for the purpose of dissemination of knowledge across the globe.
Jan-April 2021
I.P. in Eng.—Petrichor: A Critique of CL Khatri’s Poetry. Rev. by D. Arora
Terraced Fields in the Eve. Sun by R.K.B.S. Rev. by Sudhir K Arora
Bihari Satsai trans. by Madhukar Asthana. Rev. by Abnish S. Chauhan
July-Oct 2021
No, I Can’t Make Round Rotis by Richa Dhawan. Rev. by Jagdish Batra
Indian English Fiction: H. and R. by Jagdish Batra. Rev. by Priyanka Lamba
Musings on Covid Pandemic by K.V.D. Rev. by A.S. Chauhan