Dr. Nibir K. Ghosh, former Head, Department of English Studies & Research, Agra College, Agra is UGC Professor Emeritus. He has been a Senior Fulbright Fellow at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA during 2003-04. An eminent scholar and critic of American, British and Postcolonial literatures, he is Author/Editor of 15 widely acclaimed books and has published over 180 articles and scholarly essays on various political, socio-cultural and feminist issues in prestigious national and international journals. He is Chief Editor, Re-Markings, an International bi-annual journal of research (www.re-markings.com) which is in its nineteenth year of publication. He can be contacted at ghoshnk@hotmail.com.
- Nibir K. Ghosh: In Conversation with Robin Lindley
- Jonah Raskin: In Conversation with Nibir K. Ghosh
Book Review