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Gopikrishnan Kottoor

gopi-kottorGopikrishnan Kottoor, the founder of the poetry journal ‘Poetry Chain’, has 4 novels, three plays, a book of poems edited, called, A New book of Indian Poems in English.  His translations include the bhakti poet Poonthanams Gyaanapana.  His poetry collections include: PiccoloMilestones to the Sun, Sunbirds in The Rain, Father, Wake Us in Passing,  Nirvana, Rev. Father Benedict Goes to Heaven or, The Mainatharuvi Murder and Other Poems, Mother Sonata, Buchenwald Diary, Victoria Terminus, Poems: Selected and New, The Coloured Yolk of Love Vrindavan, Tell Me, Neruda, and My Little Tsunami and Other Poems. His new novel Chilanka- The Anklet and book of poems My Blue Alzheimer’s Sky are in the press. He can be contacted at




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