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Routes of My BIU Journey – Abnish Singh Chauhan

abnish-3Working as Professor (English) and Founding Dean/ Principal of BIU College of Humanities & Journalism and Dean/ Principal of BIU College of Management, I have completed almost five years of service to Bareilly International University. I am fortunate to do the following tasks during this tenure:

  1. Established two colleges- BIU College of Humanities & Journalism and BIU College of Management, creating more than 300 (three hundred) files as per the requirements of UGC, NAAC, MGNCRE, SIRO and NIRF.
  2. Worked as Deputy Registrar (Academics) and Language Editor (assisted the Registrar for developing statutes and other pieces of communication required for the University), Bareilly International University, Bareilly, U.P. during the first three years of my service.
  3. Worked as Coordinator - UGC 2 (F), BIU College of Humanities & Journalism and BIU College of Management.
  4. Working as Professor (English) & Head, Department of English, Bareilly International University, Bareilly, U.P. since July 01, 2019.
  5. Working as Dean / Principal, BIU College of Humanities & Journalism and BIU College of Management, Bareilly International University, Bareilly, U.P. since July 01, 2019.
  6. Working as Coordinator - NAAC, BIU College of Humanities & Journalism and BIU College of Management.
  7. Working as Coordinator - MGNCRE, BIU College of Humanities & Journalism and BIU College of Management.
  8. Working as Supervisor of one Doctoral Candidate and Worked as Co-supervisor of one Doctoral Candidate. (Thesis Submitted)
  9. Working as Chairman of BoS (UG & PG) & Research Committee.
  10. Working as Coordinator (Exam), BIU College of Humanities & Journalism and BIU College of Management.
  11. Designed the curricula (ordinances as well) of BA (Journalism), BA (Mass Communication), MA (Journalism), MA (Mass Communication), MA (English), MA (Psychology) MA (Sociology) and MA (Hindi)
  12. Researched the curricula of more than two dozen universities of India and created a comparative list (Subject Names) of various courses- B.Com. (H) and MPH (Master in Public Health)
  13. Developed Advertisements of New Courses for the publication in Amrit Vichar, and and other social media networks- Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Whatsapp, Instagram, etc.
  14. Contributed in New Programme Management, Faculty and Student Development, PR and Branding and Corporate Engagement. 
  15. Created Face-book Pages of BIU College of Humanities and Journalism and BIU College of Management for promotional activities.
  16. Developed Wikipedia Page of Bareilly International University.
  17. Popularized (and still contributing) BIU in Google and other platforms of Social Media and promoted the brand through my writings and promoting strategies.
  18. Wrote more than three dozen Advertorials, Articles and Reviews (for Print and Online Media in Hindi and English) with the profess aim of promoting the University.
  19. Teaching the students of various UG and PG Programmes and PhD Course Work.
  20. Delivered Special Lectures to the students of BAMS, Rohilkhand Ayurvedic Medical College & Hospital, BIU
  21. Composed two books- ‘Navgeet : Samvadon ke Saransh’ and 'Ek Akela Pahiya' (Prakash Book Depot, Bareilly, 2023 & 2024) in Hindi, Edited one book- ‘Navgeet Vangmaya’ (Authorspress, New Delhi, 2021) in Hindi and co-edited one book- ‘Indian Poetry in English—Petrichor: A Critique of C.L. Khatri’s Poetry’ in English (Prakash Book Depot, Bareilly, 2020).

Since I have been solely devoted to my responsibilities and performed them to the best of my abilities during my academic and administrative journey, I would like to thank my seniors, colleagues, friends and students for giving me support and confidence to work, learn and grow over a period of time.

About My Publications in English: CLICK

About My Publications in Hindi: CLICK






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