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New Book: Navgeet: Samvadon Ke Saransh by Abnish Singh Chauhan

frontTitle: Navgeet: Samvadon Ke Saransh


Author: Abnish Singh Chauhan

Publication Year: 2023

Page: 152

Price: Rs. 350/- 

Language: Hindi

Publisher: Prakash Book Depot

Bareilly, U.P., India

ISBN: 978-93-91984-32-8 


Available @ Amazon : CLICK LINK


About the Book


"To pacify my curiosity and develop my understanding related to the Navgeet genre, I had 'online' and 'offline' interviews with fourteen eminent Hindi poets— Satyanarayan, Madhukar Asthana, Gulab Singh, Kumar Ravindra, Madhusudan Saha, Mayank Srivastava, Shanti Suman, Ram Sengar, Nachiketa, Virendra Astik, Ramnarayan Raman, Buddhinath Mishra, Ramsnehilal Sharma 'Yayavar' and Omprakash Singh during the period from 2009 to 2022. The answers, received in these pithy, well-planned and long-term processes of interviews, are kept according to the dates of birth of Navgeet writers. The answers were sometimes so broad that it did not seem appropriate to keep them all before the erudite readers. That's why only selected and useful contents of all those important interviews have been included in this fantastic book." — Abnish Singh Chauhan


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