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Tom Sterner

Tom (WordWulf) Sterner, a native Coloradoan, lives in Denver. His artwork, music, photography and writings have taken place in various online and print magazines, including: Howling Dog Press/Omega, Carpe Articulum Literary Review, Skyline Literary Review, The Storyteller, Flashquake, etc. His published work includes five novels: Momma’s Rain, Spiders ‘n Snakes, Gordian Objective, After Earth and Cranial Loop, and a long epic poem Quodlibet. He is winner of the Marija Cerjak Award for Avant-Garde/Experimental Writing and was nominated for the Pushcart Prize in 2006 & 2008. He resides at 7910- Humboldt Circle, Denver, Colorado 80229 and can also be contacted at:



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