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Creation and Criticism

ISSN: 2455-9687 

(A Quarterly International Peer-reviewed Refereed e-Journal

Devoted to English Language and Literature)

Vol. 02, Joint Issue 06 & 07 : July-Oct 2017

Editorial : July-Oct 2017


Literature has had a major impact on the development of society. It has shaped civilisations, changed political systems and exposed injustice. It gives us a detailed preview of human experiences, allowing us to connect on basic levels of desire and emotion. But just as it has constructed societies, it is also observed that the writings and works of certain authors have degraded societies to their most primitive form.


The potential impact of literature is not in doubt. It is educated youth which holds the future of the nation in their hands and has the power to influence change. Hence, youth should be educated not only in their own culture but in other cultures also. Literature is most important for young people and society today, yet when I asked my older grandchildren to tell me about a book they had recently read, they were unable to name one!


Literature furthers our education, presents us with a cornucopia of ideas to inspire us, and gives an insight into the mind of the author and the minds of the characters which he/she brings to live in their literature. We learn based on its appearance because literature openly acknowledges the unreliable nature of appearances. Literature also allows us to question some of our most prominent beliefs and examine our lives, giving them deeper meaning.


To me the purpose of life is to grow so that we become better people, better listeners, and connect better with people whom we come into contact with. I believe that no other area can teach us better than literature.


The magazine is the brain child of our beloved poet Abnish Singh Chauhan.  Abnish is like a mariner sailing on the creative sea. He is the wonderful captain of the metaphoric ship ‘Creation and Criticism’ and we are all his loving helpers who are along with him for the creative cruise.


As creative writers we are influenced by many things. By experiences in life, by Mother Nature, by love and Abnish is someone who has influenced me with many years when it comes to writing. He has many books to his credit, about thirty reviews, articles and interviews with eminent authors and writes in both Hindi and English.


All the best!

Happy reading...


Marie Shine 


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