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Sandhya Saxena

Dr Sandhya Saxena is an Associate Professor in the Department of English at V.R.A.L. Govt. Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Bareilly. She has completed 15 years of teaching in Govt. Colleges. She has edited and co-edited three books, namely: Political Novel: The Beaten Track & the Path Ahead, Five Indian Women Writers: A Feminist Vision, Text Book of English Prose. Her quality research papers have been published in reference books and esteemed journals like ReplicaCyber Literature, Contemporary VibesLabyrinths and The Indian Journal of English Studies. She has completed a Major Research Project on Words Vs Lines: A Comparative Study of R.K.Narayan's Lingual & R.K.Laxman's Graphic Representation of Humanity. She can be contacted at



Research Articles:

Creation and Criticism 0