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Sagar Mal Gupta

sagar-mal-guptaProf. (Dr) Sagar Mal Gupta (Born: 1940) was educated at Edinburgh University in the UK and at the University of Hawaii in the US from where he earned his Ph.D in Linguistics. His poems have been published in IJES(2015), IJELLS (2015), Literaria Linguistica (2016) , Muse India (2016, 2017, 2018), Café Dissensus (New York, 2017), The Ghazal Page (New York, 2017, 2018),  Poetcrit (July 2018 & Jan 2019) and The New Ink Review (Zambia, August 2018), Langlit (Sept. 2019 ), CLRI(2019, Vol6.3). He has two collection of poems— ‘The Cresent Moon’ (2018) and ‘The Songs of India and the World’ (2019) to his credit. He resides at 69/81, V.T. Road, Mansarovar, Jaipur-302020 and can also be contacted through email:





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