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Sudhir K Arora

Sudhir K. Arora (1968) teaches English at Maharaja Harishchandra P.G. College, Moradabad, affiliated to M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly. He registered his presence as a poet with A Thirsty Cloud Cries in 2006. His poems, reviews and articles appear in journals across the globe, including Indian Literature and World Literature Today. He has authored a number of books including Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger A Freakish Booker, Aravind Adiga’s The White Tiger: A Study, A Study of Kamala Markandaya’s Women, Multicultural Consciousness in the Novels of Kamala Markandaya, The Poetic Corpus of Stephen Gil: An Evaluation and Niranjan Mohanty: The Man and His Poetry. The voluminous critical work, Cultural and Philosophical Reflections in Indian Poetry in English in five volumes (Footprints, PathfindersSignaturesMilestones and Journey), is his magnum opus. He resides at B-72, Deendayal Nagar, Phase-2, Near Sai Temple, Moradabad-244001 (UP) India and can be contacted at


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    1. Part One
    2. Part Two
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