Dr K. V. Raghupathi (born 1957 in a Telugu speaking family, Andhra Pradesh) teaches English at Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu, India. He is a poet, short story writer and critic of English language. He began writing seriously in 1985. Since then he has published 22 books, which include ten books in English verse, two novels, one short story collection, seven critical studies and two books on yoga. He is the recipient of Michael Madhusudhan Dutt Award, Kolkata in 2000, H. D. Thoreau Fellowship, Dhvanyaloka, Mysore in 2000, Life Time Achievement Award, Chennai Poetry Circle, Chennai in 2010, Rock Pebbles National Award for creativity, Bhubaneswar, 2014 among others. He can be contacted at drkvraghupathi.gmail.com.